L O V E !

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I have been feeling super, mega, ultra fucking life thirsty lately. As in, I have been dying for a really touching, positive, life-altering, soul hugging experience. It had been so long since I'd read an amazing book, or found a beautiful new slice of music to enjoy or laughed so hard my stomach hurt. My spirit has been feeling seriously parched.

....and then, just like that - the best week I've had in a long, long, while arrives! If you follow my instagram (@veronicarafael! lets be friends!), then you're already all caught up with my shenanigans. but I'm going to rehash them again anyway because I have inspiration to share :)

First off - my book club (yes, yes, my book club) just finished a really good one. If you're feeling a little life muddled or uninspired, Chery Strayed's Tiny Beautiful Things is a perfect/short read that will satisfy most of your squishy, quarter life crisis dilemna's. My personal favorite is an entry called Write Like a Motherfucker - which has become my own personal "get it together" go-to read. If you're curious you can read my favorite entries online here!

Write Like a Motherfucker / The Baby Bird / Tiny Beautiful Things

Tuesday, I had the privilege of celebrating a woman I love and admire greatly - who at long last finished her dissertation and finally added "Dr." to her resumé. Emily was my first roommate in New York ever, which basically means that we have watched each other flourish, drown and flourish, again. We've peeled each other off the floor, danced like banshees together and laughed until our tummies hurt. It's THAT kind of sister-love that can really only exist with people you've lived with and loved with and lost with for (what feels like) a million years and two minutes all at once.

SO! Emily, being the amazingly cool person she is, took us out to celebrate and guided us to a sweaty,crowded bar on the LES to listen to bluegrass and to see this AMAZING french singer Cyrille Aimeé. I've been trying to find videos of her / her band online to share how amazing they were, but it was seriously one of those new york moments where you had to be there to witness the magic. it was incredible. And sadly, her ensemble that night was made up of a bunch of friends of hers visiting from France, making it even more impossible to find it. BUT. It was incredible and magical and I'm sharing it below anyway, just in case you're curious.

Wednesday was probably the best surprise - another one of my first BFF's in NYC invited me to be one of his dates to the AmFAR gala, which basically meant I got to dress up realz fancy and have dinner & drinks with celebrities. As in, I interrupted SJP's speech when I arrived late to my table, sat next to Michael Kors / Heidi Klum, missed LiLo in the bathroom, watched Janet Jackson accept an award, was in the same room as Jay Z, danced with CeeLo. It was amazing. epic. total NYC fun. What a week!

I also shot an adorable engagement party this weekend that I can't wait to share with everyone! It was a sweet day, and as always, I was very grateful to be part of someone's special day!

& now that I've put it off long enough - Happy Valentines Day everyone!! I hope your day is full of love (even if it's not the romantic kind) and tons of sweets (you def. don't need a lover for that!!)!

As always, I am super thankful for all of the love I have in my life! I am always blessed, but today, I feel especially grateful :)


  1. This is amazing! We need to catch up it's been too long :) Can't wait to hear more about your adventures!


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